Windows DCOM configuration requirements

pcAnywhere configures DCOM during the installation process. All default settings should be sufficient to allow pcAnywhere management applications to function normally and maintain a sufficient level of security. However, modifications can be made to DCOM to modify the default security and allow an administrator to explicitly allow or deny DCOM access to a system.

To configure Windows NT for DCOM:

To remotely configure and control pcAnywhere on Windows NT from a network management system, the network administrator must comply to the following requirements:

· The network administrator must be logged in as a domain administrator.

· Both the administrator PC and the client PC must be in the same domain.

· The Windows NT default DCOM configuration requires all manager activity be authenticated on the NT domain.

To configure Windows 9x for DCOM:

To remotely configure and control pcAnywhere on Windows 9x from a network management system, the network administrator must comply to the following requirements:

· The Windows 9x PC must log into the same Windows NT domain as the network administrator.

· The Domain name and the workgroup name on the Windows 9x PC must be the same.

· The Windows 9x PC must be configured to user level access. This is a requirement for DCOMCNFG.EXE to allow adjusting the DCOM security settings for a Windows 9x computer.

· File and print sharing for Microsoft Windows Networks should be installed and enabled on the Windows 9x PC.

If you selected Allow pcAnyhwere to be remotely managed during the pcAnywhere installation, the DCOM settings were automatically modified to the required defaults. It is only necessary to configure your network as noted above.

The above configuration procedures should resolve any connectivity problems encountered while using the pcAnyhwere Host Administrator, or any of pcAnywere's Network Management integration components.

The most common error experienced is an Access Denied error. This is usually due to incorrect DCOM settings. Use the DCOMCNFG.EXE utility to modify the security settings for the client to resolve this error. Edit the default security and add only the Domain users or administrators to the list of callers allowed to access this host. You can also use the DCOM utility to deny access to selected callers.

Note: If you correctly configure the Windows environment as noted in the procedures above, this error should not occur.

Please consult DCOMCNFG.exe online documentation for more information on modifying configurations.